The Rifle Shells Model 3D design features a highly detailed and realistic representation of rifle cartridges, capturing the fine details of the casing, primer, and bullet tip. Ideal for use in military, weaponry, or historical visualizations. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats.
rifle shells, 3D shell model, rifle cartridges, ammunition, bullet casings, weapon accessories, 3D weapons
Gewehrhülsen, 3D-Hülsenmodell, Gewehrpatronen, Munition, Geschosshülsen, Waffenaccessoires, 3D-Waffen
cartuchos de rifle, modelo 3D de cartucho, munición, casquillos de bala, accesorios de armas, armas 3D, proyectiles
خراطيش بندقية، نموذج خرطوشة 3D، رصاص بندقية، غلاف الرصاصة، ملحقات الأسلحة، أسلحة 3D، ذخيرة
tüfek kovanları, 3D kovan modeli, tüfek kartuşları, mühimmat, mermi kovanları, silah aksesuarları, 3D silahlar
nabój strzelecki, model łuski 3D, naboje myśliwskie, amunicja, łuski pocisków, akcesoria broni, broń 3D