The Ribeye Steak Model 3D design features a highly detailed and realistic representation of a ribeye steak, showcasing its marbling, texture, and vibrant color. The model captures the tender and juicy appearance of the steak, making it ideal for food-related visualizations, restaurant displays, or culinary presentations. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats.
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Ribeye-Steak, 3D-Steak-Modell, Ribeye-Schnitt, saftiges Steak, Fleischmodell, Lebensmittelmodell, 3D-Fleisch
bistec de ribeye, modelo 3D de bistec, corte de ribeye, bistec jugoso, modelo de carne, modelo de comida, carne 3D
شريحة لحم ريب آي، نموذج شريحة لحم 3D، قطع ريب آي، شريحة لحم طرية، نموذج لحم، نموذج طعام، لحم 3D
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