A highly detailed 3D model of a realistic horse skeleton, ideal for anatomical studies, educational simulations, or medical projects. This model features a full skeletal structure of a horse, showcasing bones, joints, and precise details of the anatomy, perfect for use in veterinary training, scientific research, or 3D renderings. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats.
Realistic Horse Skeleton, horse, skeleton, anatomy, bones, educational, veterinary
Realistisches Pferdeskelett, Pferd, Skelett, Anatomie, Knochen, Bildung, Veterinärmedizin
Esqueleto realista de caballo, caballo, esqueleto, anatomía, huesos, educación, veterinaria
هيكل عظمي واقعي للحصان، حصان، هيكل عظمي، تشريح، عظام، تعليم، طب بيطري
Gerçekçi At İskeleti, at, iskelet, anatomi, kemikler, eğitim, veteriner
Realistyczny szkielet konia, koń, szkielet, anatomia, kości, edukacja, weterynaria