This 3D model features a realistic graduation cap, designed with fine details such as the flat top, tassel, and the traditional square shape. The model is perfect for educational projects, graduation celebrations, or as part of a ceremony scene. It’s ideal for visualizing academic achievements, and adds a meaningful touch to any project related to education or success.
Realistic Graduation Cap, graduation cap model, 3D graduation cap, academic cap, tassel model, education accessory, ceremony model
Realistische Abschlussmütze, Abschlussmützenmodell, 3D-Abschlussmütze, Akademische Mütze, Quastenmodell, Bildungszubehör, Zeremonienmodell
Gorra de graduación realista, modelo de gorra de graduación, gorra de graduación 3D, gorra académica, modelo de borla, accesorio educativo, modelo de ceremonia
قبعة التخرج الواقعية، نموذج قبعة التخرج، قبعة تخرج ثلاثية الأبعاد، قبعة أكاديمية، نموذج شريطة، ملحق تعليمي، نموذج مراسم
Gerçekçi Mezuniyet Kepi, mezuniyet kepi modeli, 3D mezuniyet kepi, akademik kep, püskül modeli, eğitim aksesuarı, tören modeli
Realistyczny model czapki absolwenta, model czapki absolwenta, 3D czapka absolwenta, czapka akademicka, model frędzli, akcesoria edukacyjne, model ceremonii