This 3D model features a highly realistic gorilla, capturing its muscular build, expressive facial features, and detailed fur texture. Ideal for wildlife simulations, zoo exhibits, educational projects, or animation, this model provides an accurate and lifelike representation of one of nature's most powerful primates.
Realistic Gorilla, wild animal, primate anatomy, detailed fur, wildlife model, zoo asset, jungle creature
Realistischer Gorilla, Wildtier, Primatenanatomie, detailliertes Fell, Wildtiermodell, Zoo-Objekt, Dschungelwesen
Gorila realista, animal salvaje, anatomía de primates, pelaje detallado, modelo de fauna, activo de zoológico, criatura de la jungla
غوريلا واقعية، حيوان بري، تشريح الرئيسيات، فرو مفصل، نموذج الحياة البرية، عنصر حديقة حيوانات، مخلوق الغابة
Gerçekçi Gorilla, vahşi hayvan, primat anatomisi, detaylı tüy, vahşi yaşam modeli, hayvanat bahçesi varlığı, orman yaratığı
Realistyczna goryl, dzikie zwierzę, anatomia prymatów, szczegółowe futro, model dzikiej fauny, zasób zoo, stworzenie dżungli