Realistic Ferry 3D Model
The Realistic Ferry 3D model features a highly detailed representation of a large ferry, designed for transporting passengers and vehicles across bodies of water. With intricate textures that reflect the ship's metal exterior, windows, and decks, this model offers an authentic look at maritime transportation. Perfect for use in nautical, transportation, or landscape-themed projects, the model is ideal for simulations, games, or animations that require a realistic depiction of a ferry. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats, this versatile model is perfect for a wide range of creative applications.
Ferry, ship model, 3D ferry, transportation vessel, passenger ferry, boat model, realistic ferry
Ferry, Fähre, 3D-Fährmodell, Schiffsmodell, Transportfahrzeug, Passagierfähre, realistisches Schiff
Ferry, transbordador, modelo de transbordador 3D, barco de transporte, ferry de pasajeros, modelo de barco, ferry realista
Ferry, عبّارة, نموذج عبّارة ثلاثي الأبعاد, سفينة نقل, عبّارة للركاب, نموذج قارب, عبّارة واقعية
Ferry, feribot, 3D feribot modeli, ulaşım aracı, yolcu feribotu, tekne modeli, gerçekçi feribot
Ferry, prom, model promu 3D, statek transportowy, prom pasażerski, model łodzi, realistyczny prom