This 3D model represents a realistic bleeding wolf, capturing the intensity and emotion of an injured animal. The wolf’s fur is meticulously detailed, with visible bloodstains on its body and around the wound areas. The model is ideal for use in horror, fantasy, or survival-themed projects, such as video games, animations, or visual storytelling. It effectively conveys the pain and struggle of a wounded wolf, with careful attention to anatomical accuracy and realistic blood effects.
Bleeding wolf, injured wolf model, 3D wolf, realistic wolf, wounded wolf, bloodied animal, fantasy wolf model
Blutender Wolf, verletztes Wolf-Modell, 3D-Wolf, realistischer Wolf, verwundeter Wolf, blutiges Tier, Fantasy-Wolf-Modell
Lobo sangriento, modelo de lobo herido, lobo 3D, lobo realista, lobo herido, animal ensangrentado, modelo de lobo fantástico
ذئب ينزف، نموذج ذئب مصاب، ذئب ثلاثي الأبعاد، ذئب واقعي، ذئب مصاب، حيوان ملطخ بالدم، نموذج ذئب خيالي
Kanamalı kurt, yaralı kurt modeli, 3D kurt, gerçekçi kurt, yaralı kurt, kanlı hayvan, fantezi kurt modeli
Krwawi wilk, model rannego wilka, wilk 3D, realistyczny wilk, ranny wilk, zwierzę pokryte krwią, model wilka fantasy