This 3D model of a portable ultrasound device is designed with realistic details to showcase a compact, handheld medical tool used for diagnostic imaging. Featuring a screen, probe, and ergonomic design, it's ideal for healthcare simulations, medical training, and educational content focused on diagnostic technologies and portable medical devices.
Portable Ultrasound, Medical Equipment, Diagnostic Tool, Ultrasound Machine, Healthcare Device, 3D Ultrasound, Portable Medical Device
Tragbares Ultraschall, Medizinische Ausrüstung, Diagnosetool, Ultraschallgerät, Gesundheitsgerät, 3D Ultraschall, Tragbares Medizinisches Gerät
Ultrasonido Portátil, Equipo Médico, Herramienta de Diagnóstico, Máquina de Ultrasonido, Dispositivo de Salud, Ultrasonido 3D, Dispositivo Médico Portátil
جهاز الموجات فوق الصوتية المحمول, معدات طبية, أداة تشخيصية, جهاز الموجات فوق الصوتية, جهاز الرعاية الصحية, جهاز الموجات فوق الصوتية 3D, جهاز طبي محمول
Taşınabilir Ultrason, Tıbbi Ekipman, Tanı Aracı, Ultrason Makinesi, Sağlık Cihazı, 3D Ultrason, Taşınabilir Medikal Cihaz
Przenośne USG, Sprzęt Medyczny, Narzędzie Diagnostyczne, Aparat USG, Urządzenie Medyczne, USG 3D, Przenośne Urządzenie Medyczne