An assortment of scrolls and an open pirate map! Includes a template map to use, or customize your own map texture and apply it to the map material!
Triangle Count:
Scroll_Open (Map): 8,098 Scroll_Handle_A: 6,460 Scroll_Handle_B: 6,856 Scroll_Rolled_Large: 6,864 Scroll_Rolled_Small: 6,220
Game-ready asset - PBR Roughness / Metalness - Accurately scaled for Unreal Engine - Mikk Tangent Space - Unreal Engine 4 Optimized.
Packed Maps: Base Colour, Normal (Direct X), AORM Packed Texture [Red Channel = Ambient Occlusion], [Green Channel = Roughness], [Blue Channel = Metalness]. (Un-packed texture maps version also included) Textured @ 4096x4096 (1 set shared) | Opportunity for closeups! Can be down-rez'd for background asset situations.
Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag | Art by Riptide 3D Team