This 3D model features a detailed isolation gown, designed to represent the protective garment used in medical environments. The model accurately portrays the gown's fabric texture, with realistic folds, seams, and a secure fit. Ideal for healthcare simulations, medical educational projects, or emergency response scenarios, this model showcases a critical element of personal protective equipment (PPE), highlighting its importance in infection control and safety.
Isolation Gown, medical gown model, personal protective equipment, healthcare simulation, PPE model, protective clothing, 3D medical garment
Isolierkittel, medizinisches Kittelmodell, persönliche Schutzausrüstung, Gesundheitssimulation, PPE-Modell, Schutzkleidung, 3D-Medizinmodell
Bata de aislamiento, modelo de bata médica, equipo de protección personal, simulación de salud, modelo PPE, ropa protectora, prenda médica 3D
عباءة عزل، نموذج عباءة طبية، معدات الحماية الشخصية، محاكاة الرعاية الصحية، نموذج PPE، ملابس واقية، ملابس طبية ثلاثية الأبعاد
Izolasyon Elbisesi, tıbbi elbise modeli, kişisel koruyucu ekipman, sağlık simülasyonu, PPE modeli, koruyucu giysi, 3D tıbbi giysi
Kombinezon izolacyjny, model fartucha medycznego, osobiste wyposażenie ochronne, symulacja opieki zdrowotnej, model PPE, odzież ochronna, odzież medyczna 3D