3D Model | Rigged | Low-poly | PBR | .fbx | .obj | .blend | .dae | .stl | .mtl | .gltf | .glb | .usdz |
The Collection includes 23 individual equipments and ration's objects of the WWII German armies. All of these objects are great to use in any historical scene of the WWII and can be used with my others WWII models as bunker assets or allied rations packs.
This AAA game assets of WWII German equipments will embellish you scene and add more details which can help the gameplay and the game-design.
The 3D model is ready for game and low poly using. All materials are ready for PBR rendering.
Originally created with Blender 2.80 and 2.90 and rendered with Eevee.
Low poly model
File formats do not include textures. All textures are in a specific folder named 'Textures'
DISCLAIMER : This model has nothing to do with any military, political or ideological regime. This flag's model is a copy of the historic one and represents only the visual aspect, without any political background. The models are not intended to promote hatred, violence, whitewash history, revisionism, etc. Any symbols presented on the models are for information purposes only (of the same type as the images in the encyclopedia) and under no circumstances are they used for any other purpose than to underline the aesthetic value of the models.