Updated: Feb 25, 2017, a few errors were found and fixed.
This is a small collection of models that can be used to fill in a game set. There is a sample scene to show how all the models and colors fit together and it illustrates some basic principles for particle instancing of meshes(rocks, grass, flowers) to quickly place large numbers of objects around a scene.
There is an image posted that shows a sample of what the directory structure looks like. The root folder has a purple dot, and model sub-folders have red dots next to them. In each folder is the .blend file for Blender and there is an .fbx file for each model as well. The .fbx files should be all triangulated to ensure proper rendering in all game engines. The .blend files have two versions of the model: 1st, there is the triangulated version in layer #1 for easy export to other formats. 2nd, below that layer, is the un-triangulated version of the model in case someone on your team would like to further edit the model.
The flowers and grass have only color image maps. The rest of the models have normal maps. The tree model also has an ambient occlusion map that has been left separate in case the render engine you use handles AO internally.
The listed poly/vertex count is for all 7 models in total, the individual model geometry-count is as follows:tree_38 - (vertices:1340, triangles:1268)wheelBarrel_A1 - (vertices:960, triangles:1626)rocks_A1 - (vertices:946, triangles:1768)groundTile_A1 - (vertices:36, triangles:18)This model is to show that the texture is tile-able.grass_A1 - (vertices:322, triangles:368)gnarlyLog_A1 - (vertices:450, triangles:896)yellowDaisy_A1 - (vertices:180, triangles:239)yellowDaisyGround_A1- (vertices:42, triangles:41) This model is designed to be used as if it were a lily-pad.
Both of the yellow daisy models are contained in one .blend file with the ground flower(lilyPad) on layer two. They each have a separate .fbx file.