Megapack. 70 models. Low poly game models. Ready to use! Contains all the necessary elements: model / textures / maps / 5 lod's/collision and sound convex! All models are designed in the Soviet Russia style. Perfectly for gaming demo scene, location, presentation and so on! 01 - ammo_box02 - armchair03 - bag04 - ballon_0105 - ballon_0206 - bank07 - bar08 - barrel_0109 - barrel_0210 - barrow11 - bed12 - bench13 - beretta_sv1014 - book15 - bookcade16 - bucket17 - cage18 - can19 - case20 - chair_0121 - chair_0222 - chair_0323 - chair_0424 - chair_0525 - chair_0626 - column27 - commode28 - cup29 - cupboard30 - cutting_board31 - dining_table32 - dish33 - fence34 - fence_0235 - fence_0336 - fridge37 - hatchet38 - knife39 - ladder_0140 - ladder_0241 - lamp42 - mop43 - oil_lamp44 - over_fonk45 - pan46 - picture_0147 - picture_0248 - picture_0349 - pier50 - pot51 - radio52 - septum53 - shelf54 - sickle55 - sofa_0156 - sofa_0257 - stove58 - stump59 - table_0160 - table_0261 - table_0362 - table_0463 - table_0564 - toilet65 - torcher66 - tv67 - vise68 - wardrobe69 - washtub70 - watch