Piled Money in Laundry Basket
The Model file is organized in two objects:
Texturing & Material:The banknote values use all the same texture set and material, consisting of a diffuse map, a roughness map and a normal map (normal map is provided as openGL and directX-version)The texture set is delivered in four resolutions: 1024x1024 / 2048x2048 / 3072x3072 / 4096x4096 - in the texture folder, there are 16 maps to choose from, for PBR-rendering you will need three of them at all.In 4K resolution, the front and backside of the banknote values have a maximum resolution of at last 1190x590 px (5 Euro, the following values increases in resolution).
The material for the Laundry Basket uses two maps - a map for the roughness values and a map for diffuse. The texture set is delivered in four resolutions: 1024x1024 / 2048x2048 / 3072x3072 / 4096x4096 - in the texture folder, there are 8 maps to choose from, for PBR-rendering you will need two of them at all.The color of the Laundry Basket can be changed easily by tweaking the Hue- and Saturation-Value for the color map.
If the euro-money-models is needed as single model objects, have a look at following pack:
Included file formats:blend 291 (native) / blend 279 / fbx / obj / stl / dae (quads) / dae (triangles) / x3d (quads) / x3d (triangles)
The studio-setup is not part of the package.