The ECG Machine 3D model is a highly detailed representation of a medical device used to monitor and record the electrical activity of the heart. Ideal for healthcare simulations, medical training, or product displays, this model showcases the essential components of an ECG machine, including the screen, electrodes, and control interface. It provides an accurate depiction of a modern ECG machine, making it perfect for educational, clinical, or research-related 3D environments. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats.
ECG machine, heart monitor, medical device, electrocardiogram, healthcare equipment, diagnostic tool, medical simulation
EKG-Gerät, Herzmonitor, medizinisches Gerät, Elektrokardiogramm, Gesundheitseinrichtung, Diagnosetool, medizinische Simulation
máquina de ECG, monitor cardíaco, dispositivo médico, electrocardiograma, equipo de salud, herramienta de diagnóstico, simulación médica
جهاز تخطيط القلب، جهاز مراقبة القلب، جهاز طبي، تخطيط القلب الكهربائي، معدات الرعاية الصحية، أداة تشخيصية، محاكاة طبية
EKG cihazı, kalp monitörü, tıbbi cihaz, elektrokardiyogram, sağlık ekipmanı, teşhis aracı, tıbbi simülasyon
urządzenie EKG, monitor serca, urządzenie medyczne, elektrokardiogram, sprzęt medyczny, narzędzie diagnostyczne, symulacja medyczna