Moi-Models2020-10-07 12:23:41 UTCWould be nice if these wouldn't be scrambled around randomly. I need to manually fix rotation for each of these.
If you intend to buy these for simulations then don't waste on it. It needs extra work to get these working.
onklefester2019-05-02 01:39:10 UTCUsing FBX to import into UE4. Dominoes are at some random rotation that makes no sense, and would take hours to get them to lay flat, using excessively small decimal numbers. The mesh isn't just rotated on a single axis either, and the pivot point is no where near the domino. Waste of $10.
ncp2019-04-05 13:44:46 UTCPerfect model. Very satisfied.
goldfordragon2017-12-03 19:11:56 UTCThis is a great set. Looks really nice.