The Defibrillator 3D model is a highly detailed representation of a life-saving medical device used to restore a normal heart rhythm in patients experiencing cardiac arrest. This model is ideal for healthcare simulations, medical training, and emergency response scenarios. Featuring the central control unit, pads, and electrical components, it accurately portrays the essential features of a defibrillator. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats, this model seamlessly integrates into various medical and educational 3D environments.
defibrillator, medical device, cardiac arrest, emergency equipment, healthcare, life-saving, medical training
Defibrillator, medizinisches Gerät, Herzstillstand, Notfallausrüstung, Gesundheitswesen, lebensrettend, medizinische Schulung
desfibrilador, dispositivo médico, paro cardíaco, equipo de emergencia, atención médica, que salva vidas, capacitación médica
جهاز صدمات القلب، جهاز طبي، سكتة قلبية، معدات الطوارئ، الرعاية الصحية، إنقاذ الأرواح، تدريب طبي
defibrilatör, tıbbi cihaz, kalp durması, acil durum ekipmanı, sağlık hizmetleri, hayat kurtaran, tıbbi eğitim
defibrylator, urządzenie medyczne, zatrzymanie akcji serca, sprzęt ratunkowy, opieka zdrowotna, ratujący życie, szkolenie medyczne