cartoon clasisic props mace hammer bomb tnt denottor canon rocket ballons anvil magnet dynamite coyote shotgun
Description14 props often seen in classic cartoons. Recreate the most famous and funny scenes of your favoutite characters or make new ones.
-Included*14 OBJ files: Anvil, Balloon, Balloon Bundle, Bomb, CAke, Canon, Detonator, Dynamite Pack, Dynamite, Mace, Magnet, Rocket, Shotgun, Platform with Wheels.*14 mtl files
AnvilVertices: 7780Polygons: 7632
Balloon BundleVertices: 193320Polygons: 192768
BalloonVertices: 8055Polygons: 8032
BombVertices: 2220Polygons: 2178
CakeVertices: 35906Polygons: 35088
CanonVertices: 25342Polygons: 25138
DetonatorVertices: 3786Polygons: 3748
Dynamite PackVertices: 15310Polygons: 15083
DynamiteVertices: 3028Polygons: 3000
MaceVertices: 3816Polygons: 3808
MagnetVertices: 4642Polygons: 4640
RocketVertices: 8361Polygons: 8272
ShotgunVertices: 13394Polygons: 13193
WheelsVertices: 15952Polygons: 15893