Birthday Card 3D Model
This Birthday Card 3D model features a beautifully designed greeting card with intricate details, perfect for birthday celebrations. The card showcases vibrant colors, decorative elements like balloons, confetti, and a heartfelt message. Whether you're working on animated scenes, gift simulations, or creating a virtual birthday celebration, this model adds a personal touch to your project. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats, the Birthday Card is versatile for a variety of creative uses such as games, virtual reality, and digital content creation.
Birthday Card, greeting card, 3D card model, birthday greeting, celebration card, festive design, virtual card
Birthday Card, Geburtstagskarte, 3D-Kartenmodell, Geburtstagsgruß, Festtagskarte, festliches Design, virtuelle Karte
Birthday Card, tarjeta de cumpleaños, modelo de tarjeta 3D, saludo de cumpleaños, tarjeta de celebración, diseño festivo, tarjeta virtual
Birthday Card, بطاقة عيد ميلاد, بطاقة تهنئة, نموذج بطاقة ثلاثي الأبعاد, تهنئة عيد ميلاد, بطاقة احتفال, تصميم احتفالي
Birthday Card, doğum günü kartı, 3D kart modeli, doğum günü tebrik, kutlama kartı, şenlikli tasarım, sanal kart
Birthday Card, karta urodzinowa, model karty 3D, życzenia urodzinowe, karta świąteczna, projekt festiwalowy, karta wirtualna