Arrowhead Plant 3D Model
The Arrowhead Plant 3D model features the distinct shape and vibrant green color of the popular houseplant. With its arrow-like leaves and glossy texture, this model is ideal for nature-inspired scenes, indoor plant designs, or botanical projects. The Arrowhead Plant is commonly used in interior décor, and this realistic model captures the plant's beauty and unique form. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats, it offers flexibility for various creative uses, including animations, environmental renders, and virtual reality applications.
Arrowhead Plant, houseplant, 3D plant model, green plant, indoor plant, decorative plant, botanical model
Arrowhead Plant, Pfeilblattpflanze, 3D-Pflanzenmodell, Zimmerpflanze, grüne Pflanze, dekorative Pflanze, botanisches Modell
Arrowhead Plant, planta flecha, modelo de planta 3D, planta verde, planta de interior, planta decorativa, modelo botánico
Arrowhead Plant, نبات السهم, نموذج نبات ثلاثي الأبعاد, نبات أخضر, نبات داخلي, نبات زخرفي, نموذج نباتي
Arrowhead Plant, ok başlıklı bitki, 3D bitki modeli, yeşil bitki, iç mekan bitkisi, dekoratif bitki, botanik model
Arrowhead Plant, roślina strzałkowa, model rośliny 3D, roślina zielona, roślina pokojowa, roślina dekoracyjna, model botaniczny