(i accept to make your desired logos/after effects/vfx for a fair price. you can contact me here or my email ultron.oxygen@gmail.com)
this pack contains all letters of alphabet burning examples showen aboveanimations are 220 frames long everything is editable and you can change letters to words or change the fonts or even replace letters with another 3d model entirely(you can change the turbulence and wind direction)if you are having any problem feel free to contact me and ask me quastions
softwares used are :3ds max + phoenix fd plugin
simulations are high quality(2million)(fire in few pictures are low res) try higher the resolution to remove any blockiness you see in final renders. (REMINDER: YOU NEED TO HIT START SIMULATION TO SEE THE EFFECT IN VIEWPORT. CHECK LAST IMAGE TO SHOW HOW)
i hope you like it leave a like and comment it would help a lot thank you!