Taffic Sign Pack that includes 40 Different Traffic Signs. That Pack was made in Mind for in City Use. I made the Pack as close as the German Stvo Standard (“Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung”) as i could. So this Pack is highly recommended for German Inspired Citys but most Signs should also Work for many other European Cities and places. The Posts Have extra length at beneath its Pivot Point For desired Height adjustment.
The Signs Uses two Texture Sets (Color,Roughness,Mettalic,Normal) One for the Posts and One Atlas Texture for the Traffic Signs itself.
Includes Blend Scenes of the Preview Pictures. Fbx and Obj Files and 4k and 2k Texture Files of the Atlas and one 1024x2048 Texture Set for the Posts.
One Sign (including the Post) is about 1,3k Faces, 2,4k Tris and 1,2k Vertexes this Number vary very mildy between Sign Types.
The whole Scene in the Preview Pictures is about 50k Faces, 90k Tris 47k Vertexes.
If you have any Suggestions or criticism please feel free to contact me.