Details:A 3D model replica of the 10th Doctor's sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who. The model comes fully textured and animation ready, it also comes with a seperate emmisive texture map that will allow you to turn the sonic's light on and off. All texture maps are 2k resolution and it was modeled and textured in seperate parts but exported as one model, this allows you to have the freedom to easily animate it and have it move up and down, just like from the show.
Included in Product: 1 FBX Model of 10th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver (Model in 3 seperate parts for easy animation)2k Base Colour Texture Map2k Roughness Texture Map2k Height Texture Map2k Normal Texture Map2k Mixed AO Texture Map2k Metallic Texture Map2k Opacity Map2k Emmisive Map