Equirectangular HDR OpenEXR files of a sunny blue sky day with some stratus clouds at 8k resolutions and a tone-mapped PNG File backplate which can be used if you decide to use a lower resolution or blurry version. The HDR will work in any software which is capable of loading equirectangular HDR's. I also include pre-converted versions of all the assets (8k HDR & Backplate) into ACEScg space for people working with ACES color space.
HDR EXR - 8k Resolution - 8192 x 8192 - PNG/EXR Backplate - 8k Resolution 8192 x 8192 - HDR 2k Blurred EXR 2048 x 1024
Included Files
2x 8k OpenEXR HDR EXR's, 1x pre-converted into ACEScg. 8k full 360/180 equarectangular panorama. 2x 8k LDR & HDR Tonemapped Backplate's in EXR & PNG format, 1x pre-converted into ACEScg. tone-mapped version in 360/180 equarectangular panoramic view. 2x 2k 16-bit Blurred HDR EXR's, 1x pre-converted into ACEScg