This Physically Basic Render Material was made using Photogrametry Techniques.This PBR Material study was build using a 100% Photogrametry Technics and 3D Scan Software. I took more of 165 photos to capture all the details and highmaps information to make a better reconstruction on the textures baking process.The most important part on that stage with the UV mapping is to have it consistent without any stretching. So it's needs UV space filled at all as it represents final texture coverage along the final bitmap.Therefore I considered at the same time the computer monitor gamma correction at the moment of work to keep a good tones and match color data.I spend a few time making seams removal and tweaking to turn in into fully functional PBR material. Albeit, I would like make a speciallitation in dificult and intricate surface scanning to provide high resolution Physically Based Render Textures.Its important to me create something that would help to save somebody's time using the best practice that I found and putting there my best effort.Hope you will enjoy it and find it useful.This download currently contains 5 different textures, all baked from high resolution, cross polarized 3D Surface Scan with Albedo/Diffuse, Normal, Roughness, Ambient Oclussion, Height & ALPHA maps.
Detailed infoMethod: Height Field PhotogrammetryCategory: Grass TypeQty. Texture: 6Resolution: 2KFiles Formats: PNG 16 bitTexture Scale: 180x180 cm.