Stone Maker is the best way to make stones in Zbrush, and save time in your projects, no matter if you are a beginner or an expert.
This product contains several useful tools to build stones from scratch, and for texturing and detailing stone props:
With this product, you can build stones from simple shapes like a cube or a sphere, or detail and paint displacement and/or textures over a 3d model so it looks like built of stone. Very useful for stone bridges, buildings, megaliths, mountains, cave walls, stone stairs and towers, and anything made of stone.
The ZBrush brushes include different kind of brushes:
Build brushes that include several tools to build the shape of the stones: add volume, facture, distort, and erode in several ways, and three knapping brushes to cut or flatten sections. With them, making a stone prop is a matter of seconds.
DragRect brushes that you can click and drag to set the position and size of the detail.
Special Draw brushes that have settings to allow you to paint the details in an artistic way, so you can shape stones as if you were drawing. This way they have direction and uniqueness, and look natural like in real stone and rock.
Paint Brushes that add surface relief and texture at the same time, so you can apply this before or after using the other brushes and get a finished stone prop, or use them to detail and paint your architectural models, or turn something into stone (a character killed by a basilisk, or turn them into a statue, or turn a wood throne into stone, etc).
Every detail in your Stones made easy and quick! A must have for many of your scenes!