A detailed and clean Substance Designer Graph (.sbs) with its high quality 4K PBR textures that you can use for high end productions to personal works.
Every single texture is tileable and you can create your custom environment.All the textures are 4K (.png format) and use the Metal / Roughness workflow (Base Color, Normal, Height, Metallic, Roughness and AO).
The graph is commented and clear to give the possibility to study the different applied methods. When you open it, switch to preview res of 4096 to have the max quality in realtime.
Textures .zip folder ( with 4K PBR detailed textures). The .zip contains
The Marmoset Toolbag example scene (from the cover image) - Marmoset Toolbag version 3.07
The sphere mesh used in the Marmoset Toolbag scene file to be relinked. That is the same that you can find in your Marmoset Toolbag installation folder at ../your_installation_path/data/mesh/sphere.mesh
the plane.fbx file and the plane.obj file: a very simple plane geometry with high subdivisions to test your textures on a plane if desidered
PS. The images in the gallery are just examples of different moods and ideas (like close ups, rain enviroment, etc...) that you can obtain inside of Marmoset Toolbag starting from the provided one.
Those scenes, apart from the one presented in the cover image, ARE NOT INCLUDED in this product.
In the Susbstance Designer graph, if you double click in a empty area of the graph, there is a list of some INPUT PARAMETERS that you can tweak like the dirtiness level, the dirtiness variance, the number and the scattering of the leaves etc.You can then produce other textures from the graph!
Hope you like it!