Most materials are Cycles+Eevee compatible. These have endless detail (You can zoom endlessly, without pixels). You can also change all the properties of these materials in grouped shader nodes with defined properties to change. Some materials, those that make sense, are also animated.This material pack was designed to cover as many topics as possible. And to give you premade setup materials, so you can fast create scenes without wasting time on creating them.
This material pack includes:
Glas+Fluid:-Basic glass: white, red, green, blue, white+rough-Diamond: Emerald, Canary, Orchid, Ruby, Basic Crystal, Colorful Crystal-Fluid: Water big, Water small, Snowy water -Glas Refraction Shader -> 2 versions -Rain Shader, Rain Puddles-Other: Glas with a star pattern, Bubble, Oil, Marble
Cartoon(only Eevee): -2step resolution:
- blue+texture 1-3
- dark+texture 1-3
- green+texture 1-3
- purple +texture 1-3
- red + textures 1-3
- white + textures 1-3-6step resolution:
- blue+texture 1-3
- dark+texture 1-3
- green+texture 1-3
- purple +texture 1-3
- red + textures 1-3
- white + textures 1-3-Other:-Basic shiny / inverted-Bricks red & bw-Hexagons: watery, white, black
Ceramic: -Ceramic Pattern 1-3,6-7 -Ceramic Pattern Birds -Ceramic Pattern9 black, white -Ceramic Pattern 8 Colors: red/green, orange/blue, purple/yellow, cyan/blue, beige/brown
Emission:Colors: red, yellow, blue, green, white, purple+Two different fresnel preferences for each color
- Animated Pattern for every color and fresnel type
- Wireframe Shader thickness: 1, 2
- Lava
- Ice dark, bright
- Glitter big, small
- Snow
- Meat
- 4 Colors of Skin
- Magic 1, 2 (Magic materials that pulls everything to the origin. Complicated to explain. See yourself! It's my favorite :))
- Planet Shader A, B ; World Shader ; Moon Shader
- Reptile Skin
- Glaced Noise 1, 2
- Paper 1, 2
- +2 more
- Native Fabric: red, dark, bright, grey
- Native Fabric Pattern
- Wavy thread fabric: dark, white, Jeans
- Woll: white, blue, brown, green, yellow, red, purple
- Carbon Fiber
- Kevlar half yellow, full yellow
- Leather black, orange, red, white, brown
- Fabric with seams grey, red/blue, yellow/blue, brown/flesh tones
- Indian Pattern 1-3
- 3 Rhinestone Dress materials
- 2 Tablecloth materials
- 2 Padded leather
- Fish sponge material :)
- Super Suit Material
- Basic Ground + Wet ground (Mudd)
- Gras; half gras
- Stylized Ground
- Sand/Dunes
- Forest Ground
- Hexagon floor, marble
- Mossy Forest Ground
- Road with/without stripes
- 3 Luxurious Grounds
- 2 Checker Grounds
- Bronze, gold, blue, green, purple, red, silver
- Rust; half rust
- Silver Anisatrophic 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°
- Pattern 1-4
- Metal Grid + Distorted Metal Grid
- Powder Coating black, white, silver
- Panel blue
- Brushed Metall: silver, gold
- 6 Pannel materials
- Arrow pattern
- Clover pattern
- Colors: black, white, cyan, blue, purple, orange, red, green, yellow
- Attributes: glossy(shiny), mat, medium mat, thick(no sss), thin(sss)
- Pattern1-3
- Hexagon Patter 1 black, white
- Hexagon Patter 2 black, white
- Camouflage pattern
- Oily pattern
- Basic Fog thin, thick, really thick
- Fire'ish Volume
- Volume Stars
- Clouds
- Cloud wall
- Soft Blur
- Cell Generator Shader
- Cube Rasterisation Shader
- Glitch Shader (animated)
- Basic Stone: bright, dark
- Firestone
- Sandstone
- Marble
- Stone Floor
- Gold nugget