This product is for 3D rendering.
This is a metal and procedural material for Vray Rendering in 3dsMax.
There is no texture. It's a standard and clean shader of Indium Arsenide
You can see in the preview the time my computer took for rendering the scene and compared it with the preview render of the basic shader.
About the rendering
I have used a VrayLightMtl as light on a bend plane and a VRayHDRI on GI environment and Reflection/refraction environment ; primary engine : Irradiance map and Light cache as secondary engine ; Irradiance map High Preset ; Light Cache : Still, Subdivs : 1000, Sample Size : 0,01. No Caustics.
How to import ?
Simple to use, you have only to import the material library or merge the provided scene and pick the material from the shader ball.
Other Informations
The scene contains only the material that I sell and the shader ball I used for the rendering. Not the studio with vray light and camera and not the other objects which are simple meshes except the sculpture. It's a free object that you can find here :
ShaderBall : 37 644 poly.
Software : 3Dsmax 2018. Renderer : VRay 4.30.01
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