Hey all!
As you all know, I love NPR! This texture set, though having the same basic components as a PBR material, is not intended for that use at all; it's for a more anime style background.
I created this texture for a typical stone wall you could find in pretty much any country, but this one was created with Spain in mind. They have such warm earthy colors to most of their building materials! It's stunning!
As an added value, I also included an updated version of the procedural texture the images textures were derived from! This is unfortunately Blender Only, but VERY cool!
To really illustrate the textures' effectiveness, most parts of the demo videos were done using Parallax Occlusion Mapping, by Anton Neveselov.
YouTube channel here:
The procedural texture was built in Eevee and the render is set for that, but it should have no problem in Cycles.
Have a great one!
GOD bless you! (^^,)