70 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 01
This Product include 70 Ornament Trim Brushes
Suitable for using 3D software ( Zbrush,Substance Painter,Mudbox ,3ds max,maya,blender,C4D , ... )
Information about this product:
Trim Brushes (ZBP) ver : 2018.1 PNG (Alpha 4K)16 bitsTIF (Alpha 4K)16 bitsPSD (Alpha 4K)16 bitsJPEG (Alpha 2K)16 bits3 (ZBP & PNG) Free I provided 3 free file (ZBP & PNG & JPEG) next to this product so you can evaluate the product more confidently.
Note :
To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018.1
With these Alpha you will be able to create beautiful works.
I hope you make happy memories.
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https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character/anatomy/50-vdm-muscles-brushes-vol-02Mail : eragon624@yahoo.com
Instagram : @eragon624
Thank You Very Much!