This is a photoscanned chess game, in a Chinese style. The original pieces are carved into wood, and the board is also made of wood, painted and varnished.
I have tried to keep as much detail as possible, and the pieces are highly detailed; between 20 and 80k faces per piece. The pieces have been retopologized and cleaned up.
This pack contains:
. Models (.fbx, .obj, .dae) of the chess board, and one Black and one White version of each of the following: King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, Pawn.
. Two blend files: one file with a basic starting setup, with all pieces set to their staring positions on the board; and one file with the pieces moved to an on-going game.
. All texture maps (4K) for the models, in PBR workflow, including albedo, roughness and normal maps.
Total face count for all pieces together: 666,257. The models can be decimated if the polycount needs to be reduced.