Looks amazing! Very good job with the modeling but especially with the texture.
Lowpoly model was made in C4D R17! It has one 2k map (2048x2048) version including ( Albedo, Basecolor, Diffuse, Occlusion, Metallic, Glossiness, Specular, Roughness, MaskMap and Normal ) in png format. Pivot point is aligned . It has detailed texture map and could also be used for some medium close-up shots,scenes ,renders and games. Textures are in zip file.
The keyboard keys are each individually separated so that it can be animated as needed
There is animated and static version with separated keys
It has 3 LOD stages in fbx format
LOD0: 3726 tris
LOD1: 2094 tris
LOD2: 1635 tris