If you want to add files to your scene from blender (which I highly recommend) you need to choose one of three versions of blender files (Guitar.blend is main file that should be used but but you can choose different if you need) and append collection with key word guitar
Guitar model is in shape of stratocaster made in blender 4.0 and ready to render with cycles.
Mesh is high poly, have most of it's topology in quads however there are some triangles and n-gons.
Materials are PBR and you can have control over surface imperctions like scratches on pickguard or fingerprints on guitar body when appending file to your scene, this can be achieved in shading workspace by changing parameters like Dust control, Fingerprints control or Pick scratches to your own need.
There is added a plane on headstock that can be used to add guitar brand name.
Fbx and obj formats have baked in textures in 4k that are less sharper than original maps because they have to be mapped on relatively small uv area rather than tilled many times, this step is done because of material export limitations of fbx and obj formats.
- Be aware that obj doesn't automatically set textures like normal maps and roughness to non color data wich might cause shading issues so it's better to use fbx or change individualy each normal and roughness map to no non-color data.
- Model is not printing ready