SUMMARY................................This Action Pack contains with Skateboard game Animations. Two Skaters Avatar with 5 skateboards performs 40 Game animations.
DESCRIPTIONThis Animation Pack works with every version of unity,It has humanoid and Generic Animations format can easily replace with your custom avatar.package contains Fbx files and Png files.optimized for mobile games.
Female avatar DetailsTorso_Face 1822 verts,3588 TriesHair verts 435, Tries 625InnerGarment verts 174, tries 288Shoe : Verts1280, Tries 2508Pant Verts 394, Tries 758Topwear: verts 776 Tries 1464
Model:SportsAvatar_04Body:Tris-5016,Verts-2536Hair:Tris-7284,Verts-3695Pant:Tris-1142,Verts-589Shoe:Tris-298,Verts-151Vest:Tris-862,Verts-469Thread-01:Tris-168,Verts-86Thread_02:Tris-168,Verts-86Total_Mesh_Count:Tris-15692,Verts-80154 texture pages : Body,Hair,Dress,Shoe
Textures:All the textures Made in 2k Size, texture comes with Albedo, Normal, metalic, Height,Roughness maps.
Rig Details:this player Rig setup comes with 70 Joints overall for the skin, supports humanoid and generic rigsetup
Animations List:Trick wise01- Hippy_Jump02- BeanPlant03- Pop_Shove_it04- Throw_Down05- One_Footed_Shuvit06- TicTac07- One_Footed_Kickflip08- Frontside 18009- BS Boardslide10- BS 180 Ollie11- SlideShove12- Rolling of a curb13- Board Pickup14- BibelHeimerAngry, voctory, push, revert, revert turn, fall, idles, fremoves extc..all together 40 game animations on video to check the animations.