Senet is an ancient Egyptian game that was first referenced in Egypt around 2500 BC. It consists of ten or more pawns on a 30-square playing board. Senet is like a modern board game. It was popular among Ancient Egyptians, including King Tut.
Other file formats are available for download: OBJ, STL, FBX....
The file includes a texture bundle of all PBR maps: Albedo, Specularity, Occlusion, Normal..(Displacement map can be provided upon request)Albedo and Normal maps are uploaded with the model. Occlusion and specularity maps can be provided in many formats, including tga, png, Jpeg....
-Clean topology: tris and quads only. UV layout included in the preview of the model. -hand-painted textures that can be easily modified because senet boards come in different styles and colours: lapis lazuli, emerald green...-all materials, textures, and meshes are given proper meaningful titles with logical hierarchy-Model is at the centre of the scene. The senet box is animated. It opens up and the rod sealing it unlocks. The animation is quite simple and is meant for demonstration purposes only. -files formats include BLEND, FBX, OBJ, and STL. Other formats can be readily provided upon request from customers.-This is a PBR model (Physically Based Rendering). -Customer support 24/7.-Thank you