This Action Pack contains Amazing Dirt bike game Animations. 5 Dirt bikes, 5 Racing avatars, with 60 animations, added in place and progressive both the versions of each animation.
DescriptionIt has humanoid and Generic Animations format flexibility.you can easily replace with your custom avatar.you can replace with mixamo avatars too.package contains Fbx files and Png files.optimized for mobile gamesadded unity package as well
Technical Details:
RACERSAVATAR_1Face,Body : Verts-2161,Tris-4236
Hair : Verts-558,Tris-620
Shoe : Verts-374,Tris-740
Costume : Verts-2183,Tris-4236
Total_Mesh_Count : Verts-5446,Tris-10122
RACERSAVATAR_3Face,Body : Verts-2509,Tris-4912
Hair : Verts-13797,Tris-20100
Shoe : Verts-306,Tris-604
Costume : Verts-2515,Tris-4564
Total_Mesh_Count : Verts-19127,Tris-30180
CYCLISTAVATAR_2Face,Body : Verts-54411,Tris-108576
Hair : Verts-1112,Tris-2126
Shoe : Verts-5546,Tris-11050
Costum : Verts-25567,Tris-50034
Total_Mesh_Count : Verts-86636,Tris-171786
Face,Body : Verts-2050,Tris-4044
Hair : Verts-329,Tris-624
Shoe : Verts-4492,Tris-8664
Costum : Verts-2734,Tris-5262
Total_Mesh_Count : Verts-9605,Tris-18594
Textures:Made in 2k Size, texture comes with Albedo, Normal, metalic, Height,Roughness maps.Rigs:the Rig setup comes with 70 Joints overall for the skinhumanoid rig structure followed.
Race, Acrobats & Stunts with 5 dirt bikes 5 humanoid Avatars
tris 22162
DIRTBIKE 02vertex 17540
tris 33216
DIRTBIKE 03vertex 18321
tris 34382
DIRTBIKE 04vertex 20200
tris 38684
DIRTBIKE 05vertex 17857
tris 33862
All the models made in 2k texture sizecomes with albedo, metalic, Normal,Height maps..
Animation List:
Stunt Animations
Race Animations
Back_Fall_01Bend_02EngineStartfootrestFront_Fall_01FrontSweep_Fall_01FrontSweep_Fall_02FullHigh_StuntHalfHIghStuntLeftBendRide Looplegs down PullBackDriveDownDriveOnRightBendFall_01Fall_LeftRight_01_FallRight_Falldeath2x_Falleath_FallSpeedbrakerSpeedLoopStartIdleStartpushStop
provided generic and humanoid both.with inplace and progressive for each animation.
please check the videos for animations