5 Realistic Game-Ready Tabletop Arcade Machines with a working screen (you can put your own texture)
Suitable for Real-Time renders and Game Engines, Ready to use in your scene and render.
Full Texture set (Basecolor, Roughness, Metallic, Normal, Height, AO, and Emissive).
All 5 Machines use the same model but with different texture sets to add diversity to the scene
LowPoly Count :
Arcade Machine 1445 Faces -1613 Vertices
-Full PBR Texture Maps (Basecolor, Roughness, Metallic, Ambient occlusion, Height, emissive, opacity and Normal Map)
-All textures come in PNG Format
-No Plugins Required.
-All objects and textures are well organized and named.
-Fully unwrapped UVs, Non-overlapping UV-islands. Efficient use of the UV space.
-Model is available in 10 formats
-Real-Life Dimensions in cm
-Ready for subdivision
-Suitable for Game Designing and Real-Time renders as the polycount is very low without affecting the beauty and realism of the model