SKATE PARK OUTDOORThis is very accurate complete scene of skatepark outdoor. Models of skate ramps, skateboard and loo poly tree are very detailed and modular. Hi res texturesOptimized and clear geometry, scene is very light in viewport.
Please check video with test animation in 'Previews' section.versions included:
Cinema 4d
FBX,3ds and Obj works fine.Thumbnails rendered
======================================================================================WELL ORDERED
Like all our products this scene is handy to use and easy to modify.
Each object has assigned only one material so there is no annoying Multi/Sub-Object materials!
Materials and objects are clearly named in English. Objects placed on layer, very easy to work with.FILES IN ARCHIVES
01 Skateboard_Park-3ds02 Skateboard_Park-c4d03 Skateboard_Park-fbx.fbx04 Skateboard_Park-obj05 Skateboard_Park-obj