The model is executed in max 2011 and resaved to the max 2014 version. All sports equipment and base are combined into a group. The stage consists of completely ready-to-use elements. All objects in the scene have unique names and material names. Each element is a single Edit Poly object. In polygonal modeling, only four and triangular polygons are used, without polygons. The modifier stack on the Ground_sand object is not collapsed. The anchor point of each element is zero at the Z axis. The entire group of objects is at the zero point of the scene coordinates. In the scene, there are no light sources, cameras and extra geometry. The size of the file is 3d max 25.4 MB. Render V-ray 3.0.
Name: Outdoor Gym Set 2Version: 2011Preview: YesUnits: MillimetersFormats: 3Ds Max 2011, OBJ, FBX, 3Ds
GYM vol.7528Polys - 17046Verts - 17489
GYM vol.7529Polys - 34570Verts - 35353
GYM vol.7530Polys - 25360Verts - 26258
GYM vol.7531Polys - 39238Verts - 40588
GYM vol.7532Polys - 31578Verts - 32720
GYM vol.7545Polys - 54970Verts - 56937
GYM vol.7538Polys - 35779Verts - 37302
GYM vol.7540Polys - 45456Verts - 47050
GYM vol.7542Polys - 35802Verts - 36669
GYM vol.7550Polys - 14824Verts - 15627
GYM vol.7541Polys - 29689Verts - 30905
GYM vol.7536Polys - 15846Verts - 16371
GYM vol.7534Polys - 17627Verts - 18404
GYM vol.7535Polys - 30918Verts - 32219
Ground_SandPolys - 39 200Verts - 19 881Size - 7000 x 7000
All scenesPolys - 467903Verts - 463773
Size texture:Dirt_4 - 2200x2200Sand - 1200х1200