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You will find in this file 3 models of Nike Tn in 3D.
-The first one is the low poly model with all the uv's gathered together and a unique texture -The second is the same model as the low poly but with levels of subdivision more-The last model is an ultra hd model with a high level of subdivision, and where each part of the shoe has its own uv and texture for a better level of detail
You will find these models in obj, fbx format as well as a blender folder containing the models with their unapplied modifiers
There is finally a folder containing the basic textures colors, normal, roughness, metallic and emissive for the two first model and another folder of textures for the second model.
When importing think to put the materials in opaque and connect the alpha channel of the base color in the alpha channel of principled bdsf
Thank you for your purchase and see you soon