Awesome pack!
Body-Solid set includes: -Strong SDR -Dumbbells KBC -Rack for dumbbells GDR60 -Bar rod RB72 with spring clip -The curved bar of the rod RB47 -Durable OSR plates -Stand for plates GOWT -Bench GFB350 -Bend bench GFI21 -Scott's bench GPCB329 -Capper for press GDIB46L -Machine Smith for squatting GS348Q -PROCLUB LINE LAT MID ROW SLM300G-2
* 3ds max version is optimized, has low weight, objects-instances. * fbx 2011 mesh with turbosmoth 1 iterration Vray 3, VrayNormal, VrayEdges, Blinn reflections On the plates and skin the modifier is turbosmooth. All names and Pivot are configured, objects are tied to frames.*.blend file not native, requires refinement of materials