Good one!
Boxing Shoes Everlast Old High quality model for Cinematic Rendering Originally created with Zbrush, Substance Painter, 3DsMax Model supports Arnold Render There is light in the scene Sky Dome and some directional lights Includes high-resolution textures 4096*4096 diffuse, AO, roughness, normal and .exr displacement map. Formats include FBX and OBJ (not smoothed) Intended for Cinematics/non realtime/background use
TEXTURE: High-resolution textures number: 5
4096*4096 Map_glove_Diffuse.jpg Map_glove_Mixed_AO.png Map_glove_normal.jpg Map_glove_Roughness.png Map_gloves_displacement_DM4096_u0_v0.exr
BASEMESH AVAILABE VERSIONS: .mb, .max, .fbx, .c4d and .obj
HIGHPOLY GEOMETRY: .ztl and .zpr (Three 7z part)