Copa Del Rey España | 3d model produced by Arses
All 3D models of Arses were originally created in Blender and rendered in Cycles.
Our team of 3D artists is responsible for all remodeling, material conversions and other adaptations to offer the best visual and technical quality of all the additional file formats and renderers we offer.
File units are centimeters and all models are scaled accurately to represent the dimensions of real-life objects.
Our models come as a single mesh or object, lights, cameras and render / scene settings are not included unless otherwise indicated in the description of the particular model.
Blend, Obj, Fbx, Dae, Usdc, Gltf
In the .Blend and Fbx files are the three versions of the model, low-poly, high-poly and super-high-poly
Number of polygons Verts: 17.947 Faces: 18.073 Tris: 35.897
Model ready to be used in the software of your choice, with a series of polygons to work on any platform or to export to a game or mobile application.