Detailed climbing wall - sport facility.
Scaled to allow human figures: including grasping of the plastic handholds and spacing of the handholds to make for realistic climbing routes. Handholds are based on real world models.
The climbing walls feature 68 different climbing holds that are unique by shape and color. The types of climbing holds are jug, pinch, edge, slopers and pockets. There are detailed carabiners bolted to the overhanging wall sections, and one is clipped to the upper right hand side of the back wall. (Safety lines are often run through these wall-bolted carabiners and attached to a climber's harness to protect the climber from a fall.)
Holds were placed on the wall after mapping a series of climbing courses for beginners, children and for adult climbers with advanced skills. There are three chimney climbing courses in this room, and two extreme overhangs. The backwall features a shallow overhang with just a small amount of exposure.
The package includes --
Depending on the nature of the lighting arrangement in your application, you may wish to position point lights in each of the twelve overhead light fixtures.
Open on one side and with removable roof to accomodate as many camera angles as possible. Model is in OBJ file format with full suites of PBR materials included.
Maya and *.fbx file formats available upon request.