This Model was modeled in C4D, UV Mapped in RizomUV and Textured in Substance Painter using a LOT of reference from the 1970s making it the most accurate model of the Spacecraft to date. I greatly valued accuracy in this Project.I must note though that some parts were left to interpertation since I didnt have a photo from every angle. Some reference included Replicas out of museums.In my humble opinion it is still better than every other model I have seen online (including Nasas Official one).
All parts except for Cloth Parts and some exceptions can be subdivided. Everything is named with a _Sub_ or _NonSub_ Prefix.The Camera Arm is not rigged but put into Groups so you can easily correctly rotate and animate it.This Model uses UDIMs with a Texel Density of about 10tx/cm.Check if your Renderer can use UDIMs before purchasing.
The scene setup for the Preview Renders is not included.
If you have Problems with the Model feel free to reach out to me.
If you want to hire me you can find more info about me on my Website:
I would also love to see what you do with this model. Please dm me and show me your work. :)