The spaceship

The spaceship 3D model


The model of the spaceship, saucer type, made with an interior because the spaceship without an interior is not a good spaceship at all!

It can be a complete solution for a point&click adventure game or a cartoon. It isn't very accurate and logical from a technical point of view but is definitely interesting to work with and different from whatever is currently for sale on the market.

The ship has 12 sections, 4 levels, lift, hatch, 2 docking hatches, landing gear, 11 doors, 4 hibernation pods, scanner, food machine, sofas, shower, toilet and a lot more. Almost all of these objects can be animated, removed and replaced. Writing a script for each movable object is also possible. There is enough space inside for cameras, you don't need to break the mesh. There are enough drawers and cupboards for you to hide puzzle items.

The controls on-board are also made for animation or scripts. The gauges show pressure, speed, oxygen and temperature. There are also 2 radar screens, each radar with 1 target. The two pilot seats come with touch screens and spherical joysticks to simplify the animation of your pilot characters.

The scene is partly animated - 2 rings turn in opposite directions (frames 0-200), main hatch opens and landing gear extends (frames 7-80), lift shaft doors and lift door opens/closes (frames 20-30-40), scanner in medical cabin works (frames 100-200).

We also made walk-able areas for each level, that you may find useful for example in Unity. Red pieces of mesh in separate sub-layers, easy to find, to hide and to delete.

The 4 spacesuits are just decoration. If you need a rigged spacesuit, please download our free spacesuit model.

The model is scaled for a humanoid (human, alien or robot) character from 150 cm to possibly 200 cm tall. The scene is organised in layers and sub-layers.

12 Multi/Sub-Object materials, all sub-materials standard except for 1 - a mirror.

The native model format is 3DS Max 2019 but we have included 3DS Max 2016 format for backward compatibility.

Polys: 93.032Verts: 68.741Renderer: scanlineNo 3rd party pluginsUVmapping: mixedUnits: centimeters.

Please let us know if you need more information.

P.S.The scene has 12 cameras for you to begin with but no lights. Some preview images were done in Unity. P.P.S.Don't be surprised to find the animatable model of the washing machine in the restroom because the spaceship without the washing machine, well... Is not a good spaceship :).

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The spaceship
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The spaceship
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max) (2 files)6.2 MBVersion: 2016Renderer: Default (Scanline) Version: 2019Renderer: Default (Scanline)
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max) (2 files)6.2 MBVersion: 2016Renderer: Default (Scanline) Version: 2019Renderer: Default (Scanline)
  • Textures 14 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-10-31
  • Model ID#2144395
  • Animated approved
  • Rigged approved
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 93,032
  • Vertices 68,741
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing