The rescue shuttle or a small rocket or a very private jet or a generic concept VTOL vehicle. Hopefully not a replica of any existing aircrafts or space crafts. Built for 1 pilot, absolutely animatable.All dials turn, engines tilt, stands go up and down, pilot seat parts move as well as both joysticks, cockpit top raises.The model is designed for games or cartoons or cartoonish games but can be also good for anything else. Like a rocket toy model if you need it.The model is scaled for an average humanoid about 160-190 cm tall.Dials:Instruments of the shuttle read:Speed X, Y, Z, Yaw, Pitch, Roll, Oxygen, Fuel, Radar.
The 3DS MAX scene is organized in layers. All objects in the scene are linked properly and are linked to the main object, the shuttle itself.The native model format is 3DS Max 2019 but we also included 3DS Max 2016 format for backward compatibility and FBX. FBX file was tested in Unity. 3 Multi/SubObject materials, all Sub-Materials are standard. All textures for instruments are handmade.
Polys: 20.826Verts: 11.709Renderer: scanlineNo 3rd party pluginsUVmapping: mixedUnits: centimeters.
Please put all files into the same folder. Depending on the application and the file format you may need to reassign textures used in materials.
Thank youNow it's time to choose your pilot model, adjust the seat, position the pilot and have a nice flight. :) Hint: Stands go up and down 58 degrees. Hint 2: All buttons can be animated too.