Spaceship Dagger Type 1 Red
Polygons: 11050;Vertices: 14749;Objects: 22;
All parts (objects) have their own textures, with their own resolution.The highest resolution is 4096x4096 pixels.There is also a set of textures with a reduced resolution, where the highest resolution is 2048x2048.
Regarding filenames.I use . in filenames (not just as a separator between the name and the file extension).I did not cope with problems either in Windows (7-10) or in Linux, in Unity 3d as well.So I do not see the reason not to use . in file names and folders.
In order to optimization, textures and 3D files are in different archives.Just unpack them as they are in one folder, all dependencies are saved.ZIP packages are designed in such a way that they are unpacked into one folder (Dagger Type 1), with all dependencies saved, and subfolders.So nothing duplicates.Compatible versions of parts and textures can also be unpacked into the same folder, conflicts with file names are eliminated.Do not be afraid to replace files when you unpack compatible packages in one folder - these are duplicates, the replacement will not affect anything.
File fomats:
Filename explanation.Geometry files contain abbreviations that explain what textures are used:
Folders structure:
Everything else is clear.
Game ready (Unity 3D).