This is a command cruiser I made after my own sci-fi universe. The model was created in Lightwave and textured with substance designer. All renders were made in Lightwave 11.6. The rigged model has to be loaded with the lightwave scene (.lws). It is controlled by several controllers and morph sliders for the main hull, and the various guns.
Note that the object (.lwo) should load in any package able to load lightwave objects, since all the textured are placed with a single overlapping UV-map. This said, all textures applied nodally, such as normal maps, would have to be loaded manually in any other package. Beware : as there is a unique overlapping UV-map, don't try to resize it automatically, it would destroy it completely. I will update the model later with a .fbx version, including all morphs and pre-loaded nulls to control the various parts of the ship.